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Water for elephants essay

Water for elephants essay

water for elephants essay

The first type, which is the type of writing style in Water for Elephants, is a narrative style. Narrative Writing tells a personal or fictional experience or tells a story based on a real or imagined event Water for Elephants Literary Analysis. Now that we Americans can looks back into history and survey the past, its obvious that depending on the economy, it affected how people had to live. This is most evident during the great depression. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins May 03,  · Essay on Water for Elephants: Overview The story follows Jacob Jankowski who was an old man living in a nursing home, as he looks back about a time that defined his life. In the ’s,Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Water for Elephants Literary Analysis, Sample of Reports

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Observing the ghosts from my past, rattling around in my vacuous present. Jankowski reflects upon memories of himself as a young man, tossed by an unnerving past into the lively world of the circus. Without a home, friend to call, water for elephants essay, or penny to his name- the circus must be ideal for Jacob, but is it?

Page by page, this new life proves to be both a sanctuary and a literal hell for Jacob. Don't use plagiarized sources. A youthful Jacob proves to be intelligent and compassionate, as well water for elephants essay honest and independent. Studying at Cornell, Jacob appears to be on a road to success. One moment he is taking the final exam at Cornell. Both of his parents have died in a car accident, now orphaned and without a home or money, Jacob leaves Cornell and before he can blink he has jumped onto a train owned by the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth.

It makes you ache and muddies your head and silently spreads cancer throughout your spouse. With his life now behind him, Mr. Jankowski is a defiant, frustrated old man with the same independence he had as a student at Cornell. His soul now weathered, we learn that he is a man with an old soul, water for elephants essay has lived his life honestly. However, life in this home has suffocated his independence, and frustrated him deeply.

He feels he is being treated like an animal in the circus, not as a respected human being. He reminises, asking himself many of the water for elephants essay that we ask ourselves; am I happy?

am I successful? am I at peace?. Jankowski is a man who lived through one of the biggest circus disasters in history, yet no one has found the time to listen to him, Mr. Jankowski is left alone to reflect on his life. Though his memory fails him at times in the present, his life in the past remains vivid and evident, water for elephants essay, he recalls every last detail of his life in the circus, water for elephants essay.

Jacob Jankowski is studying at Cornell, an Ivy league college, he is extremely successfull. At this moment, Jacob seems to have a healthy, successfull life in the palm of his hands, but Jacob soon finds himself in complete despiration, confusion, he has nothing.

Jacob has no friends to call, no money to support himself, and no water for elephants essay other than his deceased parents. Jacob is in shock, he is cold, he feels he is watching himself walk aimlessly throughout life. Jacob leaves in the middle of his exam, and he never looked back. These events have brought Jacob to a river, where he finds, and boards a train. He did not know where this train was going, or why he was on it.

All he knew was that his new life now lied within wherever the train was heading. This begins the journey that turned Mr. Jankowski into the man he is today. On the train- Jacob meets Camel, an old, fatherly figure, water for elephants essay, and a harmless drunk.

Jacob assures Camel that he has left nothing behind, all that he has lies ahead of him. With this said, Camel speaks to Uncle Al the ringmasterwho is very insterested in Jacob. Jacob now has a job, a home, and more or less, a family on the train. Jacob is staying in a car with a performer named Walter, and his dog Queenie. Jacob does his job, and goes far beyond that. He sees that the animals are being mistreated, underfed, and are not supplied with clean water, this is unsettling to Jacob, water for elephants essay, who does what he can to help these abused animals.

Jacob is attracted to Marlena, but August and other workers have made is clear that Marlena is off limits, and August will do anything to make that clear. They are all people just like him, with nothing in their past but sorrow, and no way of continuing forward, besides the train. As the show travels from city to city, the effects of the Great Depression become more apparent, more people get redlighted, less animals get fed, the conditions for all life depending on the Show get drastically worse.

Benzini Brothers eventually accumulate a circus elephant named Rosie. Unfortunately, Rosie is deemed useless. August cannot communicate with her, therefore he cannot train her, and she may not preform and save the show. Jacob sees this, and it upsets him. Jacob learns that Rosie is indeed intellegent, she can be trained, and she can water for elephants essay. The barrier between August and Rosie was that Rosie did not understand English.

Meanwhile, Camel has become incredibly sick. Jacob water for elephants essay restlessly for answers, from water for elephants essay to town looking for a doctor with answers. Camel has become useless to the show, now paralyzed, and slowly dying, he could no water for elephants essay work. Jacob discovers that Camel has Jake Poisoning. Jake Poisoning was common during the s Prohibition Era, it came from drinking Jamacian Ginger extract. Unfortunately, Uncle Al discovers Camel before he could be taken to safety.

This is during one of the shows most financially tragic times in the Great Depression, in order to stay in bussiness and be able to feed the animals, they must cut more performers, and more workers. Walter and Camel are redlighted, Jacob escapes death. Jacob and Marlena become closer, they share an unconditional love for the animals, and a passion for eachother. They are both running from their pasts, and reaching out for someone to hold.

Their romance must remain secret to ensure their safety, water for elephants essay. They are cautious, but August suspects that Marlena is unloyal. August becomes progressively more violent, and eventually lashes out- beating both Marlena and Jacob. Marlena explains to Jacob that August charmed her during her earliest days in the circus she felt lust for him and they married, but this perfect image soon turned dark.

August was abusive, water for elephants essay, bipolar, and very angry. In conclusion, Marlena leaves August and is finally able to aknowledge her love her Jacob. With animals running wild in the bigtop, there is chaos amoungst the performers.

During this, Jacob struggles to find Marlena to ensure her safety. As Jacobs eyes lock onto Marlenas, he sees Rosie behind her, lift the stake the once constricted her from the ground. Jacob and Marlena live happily together, they marry, and have children, water for elephants essay. prohibition era important to plot- caused camels death.

came from jamacian ginger extract, jamacian ginger itself was not dangerous, but during prohibition the government recognized it as a source of alochol, and changed its contents. Setting- Setting greatly impacts the course of this novel. In fact, many of the struggles Jacob faced as a young man in the circus were a direct outcome of the time period this novel was set in.

One major setting of this novel is the Benzini Brothers circus. Where a young Jacob runs to in a time of complete despiration, where he is hired as a veterinarian, water for elephants essay, meets and falls in love with Marlena, a star in the show. After leaving Benzini Brothers, Marlena and Jacob work at Ringling. This later impacts his life one final time; Mr. Jankowski leaves the nursing home to return to the circus, his real home. In the final pages of this novel, water for elephants essay, Jacob resorts back to the circus, the only place he feels accepted.

Jacob becomes the tickmaster for Ringling. Another main setting of this novel is the retirement home. This retirement home is where he relives his youth, and tells it in story form, which is what we read.

It is here that Jacob reflects on his life, and we watch and understand his thoughts and frustrations. This retirement home was set next to a park, Water for elephants essay looks out his window and sees the circus is in town, which sets this story into action. In the retirement home, Jacob feels alienated, alone, and forgotten. The time period also greatly effected this novel- both the Great Depression and the s Prohibition took place during this novel.

The prohibition was a national ban of the transport, consumption, and sale in the United States from to As a result, the government Jamacian Ginger as a potential alcohol source, and because of this, water for elephants essay, required manufactures to change its contents before sale. It was later dicovered that these modifications to Jamacian Ginger cause paralayzation, which Camel suffered from.

Symbolism- Symbolism is an important, and commonly used element in this novel. One symbol used in this novel is the stake that holds Rosie to the ground. August chained her up, in order to control and confine her. This stake represents captivity, and pain. Later in the novel, this stake also symbolizes freedom. Included in the title, water is another evident symbol in this novel. Throughout the entire novel, water represents purity, water for elephants essay, and a fresh start.

When Jacob left his final exams and walked to the trains, there was a river nearby which he rinsed his feet on. Being by this river led him to the train tracks, which led Jacob to a whole new world. Conflict- Man vs. Nature Barrier between domesticated animals and the humans that try to train and confine, rather than understand them.

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen - Book Review

, time: 5:18

Water for elephants Example | Graduateway

water for elephants essay

The first type, which is the type of writing style in Water for Elephants, is a narrative style. Narrative Writing tells a personal or fictional experience or tells a story based on a real or imagined event Water For Elephants Essay Water for Elephants. In Water for Elephants, the story is told through Jacob Jankowski at two different parts in his Realism And Romanticism In William Cullen Bryant's Water For Elephants. Water for Elephants Water May 03,  · Essay on Water for Elephants: Overview The story follows Jacob Jankowski who was an old man living in a nursing home, as he looks back about a time that defined his life. In the ’s,Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

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