Pakistan and its Culture: Pakistan is a country that is located in South Asia and is a relatively new country. Although Pakistan has only been a country since , the history in the area goes back thousands of years. A lot of the culture in Pakistan has been based off that history, and has some diversity due to that history Mar 23, · The Culture Of Pakistan Cultural Studies Essay Religion. Religion is not only the base of the social system of Pakistan but it is also an effective force that can Language. A common language could create natural understanding to such an extent that speaker and listener comes Jun 18, · It is of essence to note that Pakistani culture is a striking combination of Punjabi, Sindhi, Pathan, Baluchi, Barohi, Seraiki and Kashmiri cultures, and that the society follows a patriarch system
Pakistani Culture Free Essay Sample
Please join StudyMode to read the full document, essay on pakistani culture. It is the area that you live in, essay on pakistani culture, the cuisine that you consume, the clothes that you dress in, the dialect that you dictate, the way you commemorate special occasions and the way you worship and believe in a religion. Years later, she receives presents from her Aunts who live in Pakistan.
She obtains a salwar kameez from her Aunts, an item of clothing that originates from Pakistani culture, essay on pakistani culture. She was the daughter of an English mother The shared tradition of Urdu literature and English literature of British India was inherited by the new state. Over a period a body of literature unique to Pakistan has emerged in nearly all major Pakistani languages, including Urdu, essay on pakistani culture, English,Punjabi, Seraiki, Balochi, Pushto and Sindhi.
History The nature of Pakistani literature soon after independence aroused controversy among writers due to its being centered heavily on the negative events related to the independence. According to Gilani Kamran GC UniversityPakistani literature was expected to take a new direction along with the new state of Pakistan at essay on pakistani culture point, but did not essay on pakistani culture meet this expectation.
Saadat Hassan Manto —a prominent writer of short stories of the South Asia, produced great literature out of the events relating to the India-Pakistan independence. His literature is considered to be progressive in its tone and spirit. According to several critics it essay on pakistani culture not only evolved its own identity, but also had played a significant role in documenting the hardships and hopes of Pakistan in the latter part of the 20th century.
Today, Pakistani literature has taken a shape of its own by depicting the complex class Culture of Pakistan has been conquered in the past and occupied by many different people including Aryans Iranic tribesGreeks, White Huns, Arabs, Turks, Mongols and various Eurasian groups. All these groups had their influence on the cultural traditions in Pakistan.
Culture of Pakistan is a diverse range of ethnic groups. You can easily note the differences in culture among the different ethnic groups in various aspects such as dress, food, and religion, especially where pre-Islamic customs differ from Islamic practices.
The ancient civilizations of India and eastern Afghanistan as well as significant influences of Persia, essay on pakistani culture, Turkestan and Hellenistic Greece are seen in the culture and society of Pakistan. The society of Pakistan is relatively diverse and it presents a picture of a largely multilingual and multicultural as well as multi-ethnic background.
Majority of people essay on pakistani culture Pakistan belong to the Punjabi, essay on pakistani culture, Sindhi, Pashtun PakhtunMohajir and Baluchi community. People follow many different cultural traditions and speak many different languages and dialects, essay on pakistani culture. It boasts of a diverse and a rich Pakistani Culture heritage.
In the recent years a distinctive Pakistani Culture has taken shape especially in the urban areas. Along with the conservative class of Muslims dominated by regional tribal customs, you can also see the emergence of modern educated Definition of culture Culture has many definitions, and it affects everything people do in their society because of their ideas, essay on pakistani culture, values, attitudes, and normative or expected patterns of behaviour. Culture is not genetically inherited, essay on pakistani culture, and cannot exist on its own, but is always shared by members of a society Hallp.
Hofstedepp. Culture is a complex concept, and no single definition of it has achieved consensus in the literature. So, out of the many possible definitions examined, the following definition guides this study: culture is a set of shared and enduring meaning, values, and beliefs that characterize national, essay on pakistani culture, ethnic, or other groups and orient their behaviour Mulholland Language Language is one of the key elements of a national Canada respect seems to be slowly disappearing from their culture.
Their children are given too much of freedom at a very small age. This power that their children are given at a very small age somehow reduces the level of respect they have for their parents or which their parents deserve. Leaving your parents on the mercy of old age homes is a very common practice over there.
In Pakistan, any person who engages in such behavior is considered ill-mannered and such acts are seen as unethical and immoral. I have spent a good part of my life learning to treat my parents essay on pakistani culture love and respect and I would retain this very strong cultural value of Pakistan, essay on pakistani culture.
Teachers in our culture are also given a lot of respect. According to Pakistani The clash between the West and Islam will be vital to the course of world events over the coming decades.
Islam is, in fact, the only civilization which ever put the survival of the West in doubt - and more than once!
What is interesting is how this conflict flows not simply from the differences between the two civilizations, but more importantly from their similarities. It is said that people who are too much alike cannot easily live together, and the same goes for cultures as well. Both Islam and Christianity which serves as culturally uniting factor for the West are absolutist, monotheistic religions.
Both are universal, essay on pakistani culture, in the sense of making claims to apply to all of humanity rather than a single race essay on pakistani culture tribe. Both are missionary in nature, having long made it a theological duty to seek out and convert nonbelievers. Both the Jihad and the Crusades are political manifestations of these religious attitudes, and both parallel each other closely. But this doesn't entirely explain why Islam has had so many problems with all of its neighbors, not just the West.
In all these places, the relations between Muslims and peoples of other civilizations - Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Hindu, Chinese, Buddhist, Jewish - have been generally antagonistic; most of these relations have been violent at some point in the past; many have been violent in the s.
Wherever one looks along the perimeter of Islam, Muslims have problems living peaceably with their British colonialism and its effects on the shaping of Pakistani culture The culture of a nation a complex essay on pakistani culture of unsaid dos and don'ts is determined by their emotive sensitivities and intellectual development at a given stage in history.
The form of social order and its institutions are a reflection of this culture. Pre-British India was on a declining path vis-à-vis these factors.
Hence conditions were ripe for the invaders to encourage and establish a culture of collaboration. And they were greatly helped in this process by people who willingly forsake the responsibility of leadership in favor of the colonists who represented a culture on dominance. The advent of the British in India, unlike the previous invading forces, was an encounter of two fundamentally different civilizations, i. Drawing upon their experience of previous invasions, the Hindu Indian princes accepted the British as a military and administrative power replacing the Moghals as new overlords of India.
The British, however, had their own imposing agenda that was rooted first in ensuring favorable essay on pakistani culture of trade with the colonies and later using them as cheap sources of raw materials and as markets for their finished products. That is why despite British presence on World Culture Course This seminar satisfies both the Cultural Images and World Culture requirement for the General Education program.
To that end, we will work to develop an understanding of the beliefs, values, and ways of life in various countries in order to engage comfortably in cross cultural settings and interact harmoniously with people from cultures other than the United States. Included in the development of cultural competency is the ongoing attainment of authentic multicultural materials.
We will identify strategies that provide for more evenhanded learning opportunities through literature, music, and other educational resource from diverse cultures as we continuously develop our ability to provide a welcoming atmosphere that physically reflects the diverse culturesinterests, and experiences of those we will encounter in future professional and personal interactions.
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Pakistan: Culture and Traditions
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Mar 24, · ” PAKISTANI CULTURE IS A ISLAMIC CULTURE. Pakistan is an ideological Islamic State. Its very existence is due to Islam, so the Pakistani culture is primarily based on the Islamic way of life. All other ingredients of culture are inspired by Islam. Pakistani culture is highlighted by its grandeur, simplicity, firm convictions and noble deeds and blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Short essay on Pakistani Culture. The culture of Pakistan includes various different cultures and societies of different ethnic backgrounds. In northern Pakistan there exists the Dardic, Wakhi and Burusho communities, the west comprises of the Baluch and the Pakhtoon, in eastern Pakistan there are the Muhajir and the Makarani communities and lastly in the east there are the Punjabis, Kashmiris and the Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Pakistani Culture. Cultural Explanation Culture is a term used by social scientists for a people’s whole way of life. A people’s culture consists of all the ideas, objects, and ways of doing things created by the group. Culture includes arts, beliefs, languages, customs, inventions, technologies, and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
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