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EssayTyper types your essay in minutes! Oh no! It's finals week and I have to finish my essay immediately Order your essays online at and lift all the academic pressure of your shoulders. Get your academic successes to a completely new level with us! Alcoholism - No Easy Solution Mike Brake’s “Needed: A License to Drink” is a well-written essay that covers the serious issue of alcoholism and goes on to offer a creative proposal to solve the situation. Brake addresses alcoholism as a “primary public health-problem” which holds merit

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I first met Peter in December,when George Shuster, then editor of The Commonweal, later president of Hunter College, urged him to get into contact with me because our ideas were so similar, easy essays com, both our criticism of the social order and our sense of personal responsibility in doing something easy essays com it. It was the sanctity of the man that made them dynamic.

Although he synopsized hundreds of books for all of us who were his students, and that meant thousands of pages of phrased paragraphs, these essays were his only original writings, and even during his prime we used them in the paper just as he did in speaking, over and over again.

He believed in repeating, in driving his point home by constant repetition, like the dropping of water on the stones which were our hearts. His face was weatherbeaten, he had warm grey eyes and a wide, pleasant mouth. The collar of his shirt was dirty, but he had tried to dress up by wearing a tie and a suit which looked as though he had slept in it.

As I found out afterward, indeed he had. What struck me first about him was that he was one of those people who talked you deaf, dumb and blind, who each time he saw you began his easy essays com just where he had left off at the previous meeting, and never stopped unless you begged for rest, and that was not for long.

He was irrepressible and he was incapable of taking offense. Easy essays com had prayed at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, that I might find something to do in the social order besides reporting conditions. I wanted to change them, not just report them, but I had lost faith in revolution. I wanted to love my enemy, whether capitalist or Communist.

I certainly did not realize at first that I had my answer in Peter Maurin. I was thirty-five years old and I had met plenty of radicals in my time and plenty of crackpots, too: people who had blueprints to change the social order were a dime a dozen around Union Square.

He believed in going to the people in town and countryside, because first of all he was of the people himself. He constantly urged individuals to practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy; he urged Bishops to establish Houses of Hospitality. Somehow the two planks of the program got mixed up.

I can remember well enough how it happened. He had written a series of essays addressed to the Bishops, pointing out to them that canon law called for the establishment of hospices in every bishopric. This apartment expanded into three apartments and a store, then into a house, and finally into a twenty-room tenement house at Mott Street. Eventually it included four additional apartments and two stores; then to become a double house at Chrystie Street, New York City. Now we are in a loft on Spring Street, with eight apartments in the neighborhood.

Here the works of mercy are still being practiced by the group who get out The Catholic Worker, living without salaries, in voluntary poverty. It became a daily breadline inand the line still forms every day outside easy essays com door. He had given everything he had and he asked for nothing, least of all for success. He gave himself, and—at the end—God took from him the power to think.

He was docile and accepted his condition, though one could see the pain and struggle in his eyes. He, who had talked so much, easy essays com, became completely silent. Easy essays com the last five years of his life he had to be served like a child, told when to go to bed, when to arise, what to eat, what to put on.

He was the one led, rather than the leader. He was anointed at Easton, Pennsylvania, for a bad heart condition, and a few years later, on May 15,he died at Maryfarm in Newburgh, New York. When his requiem was sung all the congregation who attended sang the Mass gloriously, triumphantly, joyously.

Garbed in a donated suit of clothes, he was buried in a donated grave in St. Obituaries were found not only in The Industrial Worker, a Chicago I.

paper which is on the subversive list, but also in Osservatore Romano in Vatican City, which carried its notice on the front page. God has taken him into Paradise, with Lazarus who once was poor. May He bring us, too, to a place of refreshment, easy essays com, light and peace.

Copyright easy essays com the A. Publishing Co. On May Day, The Catholic Worker movement marked its 50th anniversary. Celebrations followed at Maryhouse, on East Third Street, the home for homeless women among whom Dorothy Day died in Novembereasy essays com, and at St. Joseph House at 36 East First Street.

It was on May 1st, that Dorothy Day, accompanied by Joseph Bennett, first distributed The Catholic Worker in Union Square where 50, people gathered shoulder to shoulder to announce the coming revolution and denounce the economic system they blamed for a savage depression. His ideas were, easy essays com. Dorothy passed them out, along with her own vivid reporting of conditions, to the angry, the workless, the poor, to those who saw the Catholic Church as having nothing to say to their plight—or to the social evils in which they were trapped.

Joseph Easy essays com had been a full-time volunteer at the Catholic Worker when Peter Maurin was in his prime, in the years from to Zarella had travelled with Peter Maurin in to visit the newly founded houses of the Easy essays com Worker movement. He remembered the talks that Maurin had given to the struggling groups, as well as to monasteries, seminaries and parishes throughout the country. I had encountered Maurin in the early nineteen forties on visits to the Catholic Worker.

What we most remembered about Maurin was his utter selflessness, his easy essays com absorption in the message he was impelled to share. We cherish the memory of that craggy face, illuminated from within, as he delivered the carefully phrased concepts. movement, that captured the minds of young people and set them on fire with zeal to remake the world.

A World War had swept millions through the doors of death, some killed by indiscriminate weaponry, others done to death in unspeakably discriminate destruction on the basis of their race. Violent revolutions had maintained themselves in power through continued violence against untold millions in the Eurasian heartland. Easy essays com of nuclear weaponry, to say nothing easy essays com nuclear energy plants, have given us a world pulsating with death.

Easy essays com are reminded of the principle of Noah, in which the Creator made known, by the rainbow sign after the flood, that He would not again interfere with the operation of the cosmos. Humankind, possessing the power wrenched from the heart of the atom, can now easy essays com the planet itself. In the economic order, the national debt of the United States has risen to unthinkable billions, with a third of the annual budget going into debt servicing.

The combined debt of Third World countries has reached astronomic proportions, threatening to bring down the banking systems of First World countries which had been eager to lend at high interest in what they considered secured loans. Dorothy Day grasped the crucial fact that Maurin was propounding perennial values, values that he had synthesized from the Gospel and the wisdom of the Church and its saints—as well as from thinkers, philosophers and economists studied in the course of a lifetime.

In these pages is the distillation of a lifetime of study and prayer. Here are contained the values that the Catholic Worker, now counting over eighty houses and communities in the United States, has tried to incarnate, and which are discussed in the paper which goes around the world in overcopies. Performing them without interruption would demand a rejection of war, since in war, all the works of mercy, from feeding the hungry to sheltering the shelterless, are interrupted or obscenely reversed.

If there are hungry and homeless people around us, easy essays com, they must be easy essays com and sheltered, not by impersonal state systems, easy essays com, but at personal sacrifices by individuals and communities.

Thus there is need for Houses of Hospitality, easy essays com. Maurin thought that every parish should have such a house of refuge. He would have approved of a development in the eighties, easy essays com, when Catholic parishes in New York City provided shelter for the homeless, easy essays com, with parishioners taking turns as volunteers.

The spiritual works of mercy, Maurin stressed, make it incumbent on scholars to share their knowledge with workers. Workers, in their turn, could help scholars with their skills and acquaint them with the realities of their situation. Only in this way could workers become scholars and scholars workers. The ramifications of mercy, which is only love under the aspect of need, are endless.

He introduced a term from the works of the French writer and easy essays com, Emmanuel Mounier, personalism. The ancient ban on usury meaning simply interest by the Church Fathers and the Prophets of Israel has fallen into disuse.

Money was not supposed to breed money. Here the ethos of the profit system and the ethos of the Gospel collide. The Gospel has a clear injunction regarding our surplus possessions and funds. They are to be used to meet the needs of those who lack necessities. The ethos of a profit economy calls for surplus funds to be banked or invested so that they may increase by easy essays com of interest. The source of the increase in riches becomes a matter of indifference rather than of moral concern, easy essays com.

Where only an increase of riches or profit matters, then economic activity has at its heart an ethical void. All manner of unjust economic structures may grow and flourish and all manner of exploitation may abound. Work is taken to the places where labor is cheapest and workers have fewest rights. If surpluses are used in charity, or in cooperatives for human purposes such as home-building for the less affluent, life necessarily becomes simpler and the ideal of voluntary poverty cannot be far behind.

The Christian doctrine of property becomes a reality, namely the retaining of a sufficiency of goods for an adequate life and the sharing of the remainder with the needy. In point of fact, millions of Christians, working for wages, actually live out this teaching on property. How else do we explain the world-wide network of the works of mercy supported by the small gifts of the many, Though there are Catholic millionaires, easy essays com, the masses of Catholics are rather the victims than the beneficiaries of corporations as they roam about the world seeking profits.

He helped people transcend the tyranny of false alternatives. Unjust structures will never be replaced unless they are first replaced in the heart. On Marxism Is Inflation Inevitable? A Second Open Letter to Father Lord, S. Big Shots and Little Shots For Catholic Action Communist Action in Schools a Challenge to Catholics Social Study Schools Needed A Easy essays com Open Letter to Father Lord, S.

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Easy Essays – by Peter Maurin

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Alcoholism - No Easy Solution Mike Brake’s “Needed: A License to Drink” is a well-written essay that covers the serious issue of alcoholism and goes on to offer a creative proposal to solve the situation. Brake addresses alcoholism as a “primary public health-problem” which holds merit EssayTyper types your essay in minutes! Oh no! It's finals week and I have to finish my essay immediately Ordering an essay via a custom writing service, you expect to receive more than a few pages of text. The EasyEssay service will offer you more than just writing help—you can get additional consultation from a professional writer who specializes in your discipline and has insight for further investigation of your topic

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