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Code of ethics essay

Code of ethics essay

code of ethics essay

Jul 20,  · Jessica Dirr’s Personal Code of EthicsI will maintain the highest level of professional standards as an employee of my company and conduct myself accordingly at all times. 2.I will respect other people’s time and be punctual and prepared daily Code of Ethics Essay ACS Code Of Ethics. ACS codes of ethics are the benchmarks set by the Australian Computer Society for the ACS members, International Widgets: Code Of Ethics. The International Widgets has formulated a list of its code of ethics that Code Of Jan 23,  · Code of Ethics and Evaluation. Introduction. This code of ethics is developed for training and educational purposes only for a fictitious company. The paper will describe a code of About the Company. Definitions. Check the Price for an Essay. Code of Ethics

Code Of Ethics Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

After spending much time considering this assignment, I feel now that developing a code of ethics is an important thing to do. This paper will explain why I believe developing a code of ethics is important, code of ethics essay, highlight the motives behind what I base my daily decisions and ethical behavior, clarify the outcomes and consequences that will take place if the code is not followed, code of ethics essay, and outline in list form my own personal ethics.

I think that ethical behavior is an important quality for people especially those who are leaders. If I plan on being a leader in my career, it is important to know when to take a stand on difficult issues. Many of the most significant discussions ethical and otherwise code of ethics essay strong points on both sides, and all choices should be considered carefully.

Ethics inspire trust, loyalty, and effective, code of ethics essay, meaningful relationships, code of ethics essay.

If I am going to make a difference, I must set high ethical examples for others code of ethics essay follow. My personal code of ethics includes not only how I wish to conduct myself on a daily basis, but also as a professional in the field of broadcast journalism.

Much of my own code reflects on that of the Society of Professional Journalists Andy Schotz, I hope to re-examine this during my future career and perhaps even make necessary changes that will keep it as up to date as possible and relevant to the field at that time.

The times and technology are always changing, and respectfully, so should my code as to reflect these inevitable changes.

The basis for my own code is somewhat conflicting. Code of ethics essay find myself understanding and believing in many concepts and views of ethics. I will try here to explain the reasoning behind my motives and hopefully it will be made clear.

I think this concept drives many of us in our big decisions, I know I consider code of ethics essay would affect other people when I make a decision, especially if the decision is to be made on behalf of a group. I would never knowingly undermine, harm, or sabotage anyone in any way, even if it is to stand a great gain for myself.

I try to consider what helps the greater good, partly because my background is in organizational leadership and functionality and is therefore what I am accustomed towhat stands to benefit the group also stands to benefit me as a part of the group. I also, code of ethics essay, however, agree with the ethical egoism perspective. Ethical egoism, I think, comes off harsh and selfish, but I do not mean it in a cut-throat sense. I know that this view of ethics promotes the pursuit of self interests without regard to its effect on other people, but I think that it tends to imply a negative connotation.

I do not wish to take it to an extreme of cruelty or heartlessness, code of ethics essay. This includes advancing my career, this is not to say I will deliberately undermine or hurt someone, but I will work for my best interests and towards advancing my career, and caring for my hypothetical, code of ethics essay, future family. For example, I will do everything in my power to earn a promotion, more so that I would help a competitor for the same promotion.

I think it would. The application of the code requires good sense and judgment, and its use may depend on certain situations. Individual judgment calls on ethical decisions may be necessary, code of ethics essay. These decisions will probably depend on several aspects, including but not limited to, the presence or absence of shared values and opinions, political views, code of ethics essay, and the individuals involved in the situation.

As inconceivable as it may seem, my ideal theme of personal ethical behavior then would be a blend of these two themes. When I am faced with a problem that requires a decision based on ethics, I hope to first ask myself a series of questions to help guide my decision.

They will consist of, is this right? Is it fair? Who gets hurt in code of ethics essay end? Would I be comfortable if the details of my decision were reported on the front page of your newspaper? This code of ethics cannot and does not attempt to assure constant behavior or resolve all disputes, it does, however, provide a standard to which I aim and against which code of ethics essay actions can be judged.

Nevertheless, there is no judge to determine guilt of breaking a rule in the code, except myself. Consequences of a violation of a rule will include self inflicted punishment. I would find it particularly hard to live with the knowledge that I knowingly broke a rule in my own code of ethics, because I feel that these are important in my life.

The internal punishment that I would put upon myself in the form of guilt heavily outweighs simply doing the right thing in the first place, no matter how tedious or daunting it may be at the time. Owning up to a mistake or intentional rule violation to the harmed individual will also be a penalty. The basic ideas of this code of ethics are personal behavior, continual education, demonstrating a professional attitude and responsibility, decency and treating others equally, respect to me and others maintain self direction and motivation, and truth.

The code is not in order of importance as every guideline is equally as important and none are intended to be of better value than any other. I have arranged them into themes. Points deal with responsibility and professionalism at work in any settingpoints discuss the importance of journalistic ethics, and finally points are more personal life applications of this code, code of ethics essay.

I will maintain the highest level of professional standards as an employee of my company and conduct myself code of ethics essay at all times. I will accept the duties that I have been assigned and collaborate with others in a spirit of teamwork to complete the tasks at hand. I will always work to develop my own professional skills, continue my education, and to be aware of changes in the field, and modify my own practices accordingly. I will be honest and trustworthy.

I believe that honesty is an important part of trust, and trust is essential not only at work, but in personal lives as well. I will display a high moral level and not take part in any behaviors or activities that might reduce my value to the company for which I am employed.

I will honor confidentiality whenever necessary or requested, not only in my career, but also in my personal relationships and trusted people Radio-Television News Directors Association, I will thoroughly check the facts on any story and verify all sources, and will never present questionable or false information. I will promote equal access and opportunity without regard to race, code of ethics essay, gender, nationality, code of ethics essay, ability or other quality, code of ethics essay.

I will strive to approach all assignments with an unbiased attitude and strive to gather evidence fairly and accurately Andy Schotz, I will not let sponsorship, political efforts, or advertisers shape or change my news stories.

In accordance, I will not allow the benefit of ownership or management influence the content of the news stories. Radio-Television News Directors Association, I will admit any and all mistakes and make every effort to correct them quickly, code of ethics essay. I will make every attempt to listen to and allow people to give me code of ethics essay without interrupting or arguing with them.

I will avoid being rude, and demonstrating the appearance of bad taste. I would like to expand on these points. The first few points 1- 6 deal with a general work ethic that could be applicable in any business or career setting. I strongly believe that my work ethic comes from my upbringing. My father, who is a business owner, instilled this strong value in me at an early age. I saw how a single person could affect how the rest of the day works. I knew that my actions were not necessarily reflective on myself, but more so reflective on him.

I felt that if I misbehaved he would lose an authority or respect by his employees. At the age of seven, I knew the importance of professional conduct and hold firm to that lesson even today. Often, in my undergraduate career, I was assigned group projects, most of which one or two people usually myself ended up doing the bulk of the work. my way. In hindsight this was not the best course of action, as it not only brought more workload on myself, but it hurt the spirit of teamwork in our class, and the other members suffered a loss of the knowledge to be gained by collaborating on the project.

I think that this can be applicable in workplace situations, as often tasks are assigned to teams and collaborating colleagues. This rule is in place to remind me that in order for a project or task to be the best it can be, code of ethics essay, teamwork is necessary.

By allowing me to be open to suggestions I am letting down barriers that I have created that ultimately hinder my personal and professional development more than protect myself. The field of news and communications is constantly and rapidly changing Bogart, I hope to never be so closed minded that I am not willing to learn more, new and different techniques and styles. Therefore, I will always be open minded and eager to learn new technology and techniques for which to better my career.

The concept of being honest and trustworthy is relatively simple. I do believe that honesty is an important part of trust, and trust is essential not only at work, but in personal lives as well. In order to maintain that trust, I will not do anything or act in a way that will betray code of ethics essay trust that I have with someone.

Also, the idea of displaying a high moral level is reasonably straightforward. I will not take part in any activities that might make me look bad to my company. This includes any and all illegal activities or even something that is unprofessional or not representative of my usual character. I have certain, and very specific boundaries which I will not cross, and those are clear.

I do on the other hand code of ethics essay that mistakes happen, and sometimes usually when prompted by high levels of stress or emotion I act not in accordance with code of ethics essay usual demeanor.

In the event that this happens, I will try to prevent this from occurring in a negative manner that may affect another person, and certainly not at work, code of ethics essay. The following points are related specifically to my career in journalism and news reporting.

Confidentiality is a sticky topic. I have learned that for better, or for worse, confidentiality is an important aspect in news Radio-Television News Directors Association, However most important to the news field, it is also useful in personal life. This goes back to trust and honesty, code of ethics essay, and I believe that it is an integral part of ethics. Leading from the confidentiality theme, I will thoroughly check the facts on any story and verify all sources, and will never present questionable or false information.

Studies have shown the effects of confidentiality and falsifying sources in the news Wulfemeyer, code of ethics essay,and I find it appalling that a professional journalist would make up a story and claim that she had gave her sources confidentiality.

I will never under any circumstances act in that manner. The next three are again pretty clear-cut. I will support equal access and opportunity without regard to race, gender, nationality, ability or other quality.

I code of ethics essay not believe in or very much understand the concept of discrimination based on differences. I then go onto say that I will strive to approach all assignments with an unbiased attitude and attempt to gather evidence fairly and accurately Andy Schotz, I understand that a bias comes built into all of us, but in the effort to produce completely factual news stories, I will try to put any natural bias aside. Also, I will never allow any alteration or censorship of material produced for any reason other than common decency or personal judgment.

Establishing Your Code Of Ethics

, time: 4:44

Code of Ethics essays

code of ethics essay

Jul 20,  · Jessica Dirr’s Personal Code of EthicsI will maintain the highest level of professional standards as an employee of my company and conduct myself accordingly at all times. 2.I will respect other people’s time and be punctual and prepared daily Here are a few things I would include in a code of ethics business Choosing to operate on an ethical level that is higher than required by law. 2. All employees will act at all times with integrity. 3. All employees will accept full responsibility for their work and actions. 3 There is a lot of room for common ground in a code of ethics -- basic shared values such as trustworthiness, respect and responsibility (Schwartz, ). But there are other values that maybe are not as universal. When writing a code of ethics for the organization, understanding which value are universal and which are not is essential to clarity. Consider that another value Schwartz () writes

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