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Bend it like beckham essay

Bend it like beckham essay

bend it like beckham essay

Bend it like Beckham Movie Analysis Essay. Dulce A. Her situation worsens when she must choose between attending her sister's' wedding or going to the final soccer match where she will get the chance of being seen by a college scout. Jess' parents find out that she has been playing behind their backs and forbid her from going back to the team Jan 01,  · Bend It Like Beckham is a film that covers important issues about different cultures existing together and about minority culture in the western world. The film is about two girls, Jessminder Kaur Bhamra (Jess) and Juliette Paxton (Jules) living in middleclass London. Jess comes from a Sikh Indian immigrant family and Jules comes from a traditional English family Jan 08,  · Bend it like Beckham " Essay The movie, " Bend it like Beckham ", is not only about a girl wanting to be a soccer player, it is also about cultural geography. In this movie, cultural geography plays a big role. Everything about it has to do with where they are from and what there culture is like

Bend it like Beckham Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia

Jess Parminder Nagia is a British born teenage girl whose goal in life is to play soccer. Her dream is to be on the soccer field with David Beckham, the bend it like beckham essay famous soccer player. The only thing standing in her way is her Indian parents. Allowing Jess, as a young girl to play soccer, bend it like beckham essay, was never a problem for her parents. Now she must put away "childish things" the soccer ball and do what good Indian girls do-learn to cook, wear saris, prepare for marriage and go to university.

Jess is faced with quite a conflict. THINK ABOUT IT: How can Jess be both the obedient daughter and follow her passion for soccer?. Bend it like beckham essay Jess knows her parents disapprove of her playing soccer, it is no excuse for disobedience. When Jess finally honors her parents through truthfulness, her parents help her reach her dreams. I appreciated how the movie dealt with the themes of betrayal, deceit, acceptance, peer pressure, parents and traditions and showed the consequences of bad choices.

I especially embraced the way the compassion in the family was portrayed. No matter what one's cultural differences are, family dynamics are easy to relate to because family is universal.

Jess' family adheres to strict beliefs, which are not popular. She has to learn how to deal with her beliefs not being accepted, much like your own religious beliefs are not accepted.

How you interact with those who keep the traditions of men, i. Christmas, bend it like beckham essay, etc. is a challenge. How one keeps friendships and conducts business without compromising ones belief is not always easy. THINK ABOUT IT: Was the movie's use of a mistaken lesbian relationship necessary?.

Unfortunately the movie decided to use a mistaken lesbian relationship and one character coming out of the homosexual closet to teach the rumor lesson, which could have been taught with another topic. While the message about the evil of rumors is a good one, it could have been achieved on another level.

Discuss this with detailed reference to Bend it like Beckham. A comedy about bending the rules to reach your goal, "Bend It like Beckham" explores the world of women's football, from kick-abouts in the park to free kicks in the Final. As viewers of "Bend it like Beckham" we tend to get immersed in the humour and overlook the main issues and themes being communicated. In conclusion, we as the audience when viewi Bend it Like Beckham, directed by Gurinder Chadha inand Billy Elliot, directed by Stephen Daldrybend it like beckham essay, are movies that share common themes and ideas.

In Bend it Like Beckham, Jesse, the younger of two girls, is from a Sikh family living in Hounslow, West London. Billy on the other hand, isn't supposedly acting like a real man.

For example, in Bend it Like Beckham, Jesse is sent to go buy shoes to wear to her sister's wedding. Bend It Like Beckham is a movie about Punjabi Sikhs daughter who is 18years old and lives in London. Bend It Like Bend it like beckham essay has won the compliment from both moviegoers and critics and for portraying the reality of Asian and Indian culture.

On the other hand, Jesminder has a picture of her idol in her room, who is the football player David Beckham. When Jesminder's parents found out that she wanted to enter the girls' football league, they didn't not like the idea. Bend it like Beckham From Jules mother not wanting Jules to play football, to letting her go to America to play football shows the change she makes through out the movie. In the movie "Bend it like Beckham," Jules mother learns throughout the movie that her daughter is very excellent at playing football and she can still lead a life of a traditional woman.

Her mother does not like her playing football and wants her to be like her; into shopping and boys. Moreover she wants her to be more like her. Her mother can not understand why Jules will not get a fancy bra and dress m Movie Review: Bend it Like Beckham Bend it like Beckham is a good movie, what I noticed most about it is the time conflict coming in different directions, bend it like beckham essay, similar to the conflicts experienced with the generations in Joy Luck Club.

Joe begins to like Jess, which now causes conflict because he was with Jules. She also has the need to "fit in," and she and Jules looked like they were becoming the best of friends. When Joe began to like Jess this caused issues, but also because Jess wasn't sure what to do. While the young Da-lai-la-ma of Tibet was fed with the role like a puppet and be controlled by his status, his country and his responsibilities.

He was forced to be serious and lost the privilege to be nave and playful like other children. For the comedy "Bend it like Beckham? Nagra wanted to be just like Beckham. who seen to be ignorant but strong to protect herself and of course the pleased Indian woman, Jess in the comedy "Bend it like Beckham? Dalai Llama was seen to be the "perfection- great religious leader of the Tibetan people so much so that he was almost seen as a god, and treated like one.

Though it doesn't seem so on the surface, the white man seems to be superior in the show, ordering the Chinese man around, taking care of situations using his brain rather than acting like a lunatic and punching everyone in sight.

Bend It Like Beckham "Bend it Like Beckham- set in London, tells the story of Jesminder Bjamra Jess and her struggle with trying bend it like beckham essay do what she loves most in life, bend it like beckham essay, which is to play foot ball. Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. Bend It Like Beckham Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 49 Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to rate the paper, bend it like beckham essay.

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Bend It Like Beckham Explained

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Bend it like Beckham Movie Analysis Essay

bend it like beckham essay

Jan 08,  · Bend it like Beckham " Essay The movie, " Bend it like Beckham ", is not only about a girl wanting to be a soccer player, it is also about cultural geography. In this movie, cultural geography plays a big role. Everything about it has to do with where they are from and what there culture is like Jul 22,  · Bend it like Beckham Essay Words | 6 Pages In the family Film "Bend it like Beckham" Gurinder Chadha (the director of the film) shows the conflict/contrast of two dissimilar cultures Indian and British by using many different techniques to make this effective: different types of shots (camera techniques), juxtapositioning, humour, symbolism and stereotypes.5/5(1) The essay sample on Bend It Like Beckham Characters dwells on its problems, providing a shortened but comprehensive overview of basic facts and arguments related to it. To read the essay, scroll down. Bend it like Beckham which is henceforth known as the

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